HP (Hewlett-Packard) distributeur d'eau 132A Manuel

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330 Pages Français

HP (Hewlett-Packard) distributeur d'eau 132A
Chapter 3 Programming Your Universal Counter for Remote Operation
Elements of SCPI Commands
Programming Guide 3-89
To Use Macros (QuickBASIC) (Continued)
ON KEY(1) GOSUB availablememory
ON KEY(2) GOSUB enablemacro
ON KEY(3) GOSUB displaymacro
ON KEY(4) GOSUB querymacro
ON KEY(5) GOSUB definemacro
ON KEY(6) GOSUB deletemacro
ON KEY(7) GOSUB purgemacro
ON KEY(8) GOSUB disablemacro
ON KEY(9) GOSUB sendmacro
ON KEY(10) GOSUB quit
loophere: GOTO loophere 'Wait for function key to be pressed
availablememory: 'Display available macro memory
CALL IOENTER(source&, freemacro)
PRINT "Available macro memory = "; freemacro
enablemacro: 'Enable all macros
sendhp ("*EMC 1")
PRINT "Macros Enabled"
displaymacro: 'Display macros available in counter
sendhp ("*LMC?")
CALL IOENTERS(source, results$, maxlength, actual)
macros$ = LEFT$(results$, actual)
PRINT "The following macros are available:"
PRINT macros$
querymacro: 'Ask for definition of a macro
GOSUB displaymacro
INPUT "Enter the name of the macro you want to see ", namemacro$
IF namemacro$ = "" THEN RETURN
sendhp ("*GMC? " + CHR$(39) + namemacro$ + CHR$(39))
CALL IOENTERS(source, results, maxlength, actual)
macroname$ = LEFT$(results, actual)
PRINT namemacro$; " is defined as:"
PRINT macroname$
deletemacro: 'Delete a macro
GOSUB displaymacro
INPUT "Enter the name of the macro you want to delete ", namemacro$
IF namemacro$ = "" THEN RETURN
sendhp ("MEM:DELETE:MACRO " + CHR$(39) + namemacro$ + CHR$(39))
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