Yuneec jouets Typhoon Wizard Manuel

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Yuneec jouets Typhoon Wizard
The Turn Le and Turn Right are disabled in this mode (Fly to the Le Direcon and Fly
to the Right Direcon can be controlled). The pilot will always be kept in the frame
wherever he/she moves.
NOTICE: In the Smart Mode, the geo-fence will keep the aircra from traveling further than
295  (90 m). The geo-fence is a virtual 'barrier'.
CAUTION: Any operaon related to camera control needs to be done on mobile APPs. The
APP can be downloaded from Google Play Store or APP Store. You can’t use the Wizard™
to take photos or record videos.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The ‘Point To Fly’ Funcon can only be acvated in Smart Mode.
The TYPHOON Wizard™ is a mini GPS tracking device that gives you full one-handed flight
control over the TYPHOON aircra. Features such as 'Follow Me' and 'Watch Me' ensure that
you are in frame in every shot. The ‘point to fly’ funcon allows you to point and click to
reposion your TYPHOON in a very intuive way.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This Quick Start Guide is NOT intended to replace
the content included in the instrucon manual. You should read the instrucon manual
completely before proceeding.
NOTICE: Please find a SD Card in the accessory box. There are tutorial video, electronic user
manual and show case in the SD Card.
If it is your first me to use the TYPHOON Wizard™ to control an aircra, please
bind the TYPHOON Wizard™ to your aircra.
Step 1) Tu rn on the aircra. Li its tail upwards approximately 45° then back down
to 'level' twice to put the aircra/receiver into binding mode.
NOTICE: The safe distance between the TYPHOON Wizard™ and the aircra is 39  (12m).
The TYPHOON Wizard™ can be controlled in different posions. Direcon Control Buons
funcon differently according to the posions of the Wizard™.
Press and hold the Magic Buon on the TYPHOON Wizard™, and the aircra will fly in the
direcon the TYPHOON Wizard™ is pointed to in the sky.
To Enter ‘Point To Fly’ Funcon
When the aircra is flying, point the TYPHOON Wizard™ to a direcon, press and hold the
Magic Buon. Release the Magic Buon when Aircra Mode LED glows solid blue and
TYPHOON Wizard™ vibrates once. Then the aircra will fly to the direcon the TYPHOON
Wizard™ points. The closer the TYPHOON Wizard™ is lted towards 0°, the further the
aircra will fly away from the pilot. The closer the TYPHOON Wizard™ is lted towards 90°,
the closer the aircra will fly to the pilot. When the Wizard™ is lted at 90°, the aircra will
fly close to you straightly and stop at a safe distance.
NOTICE: The recommended flying height is 33-66  (10-20 m). The operang distance
range of the TYPHOON Wizard™ is 33-164  (10-50 m).
When the Flight Mode Selecon Switch is in the middle posion the aircra will be in Angle Mode.
The Aircra Mode LED will be solid purple.
In this mode, the aircra will move in the direcon the TYPHOON Wizard™ is controlled
relave to the front/nose of the aircra. The aircra has no funcon of Follow Me or Watch Me.
NOTICE: In this mode, the ‘Point To Fly’ Funcon can't be acvated.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: In the Angle mode, the aircra is not suggested travelling further
than 656  (200 m). The Wizard™ will keep vibrang when the aircra travels further than
656  (200 m).
When the Flight Mode Selecon Switch
is in the boom posion, the aircra will
be in the Home Mode. The Aircra Mode
LED will be solid red. To exit the Home
Mode, switch the Mode Switch to
Angle/Smart Mode, then the aircra will
stop moving and automacally hold its
posion (with a suitable GPS signal/lock)
and maintain a level atude then.
In Home Mode the aircra will fly in a
straight line in the direcon of the pilots'
current locaon, and automacally land
within 13-26  (4-8 m) of the pilot.
2) When the TYPHOON
Wizard™ is lted upwards
between 0° and 40°, the
funcons of the Direcon
Control Buons are as
1) When the TYPHOON
Wizard™ is lted upwards
between 50° and 90°, the
funcons of the Direcon
Control Buons are as
NOTICE: When the aircra flies to the le or right side, the nose of aircra doesn't change
its direcon when the TYPHOON Wizard™ is lted upwards between 0° and 40°.
To Exit ‘Point To Fly’ Funcon
When in the ‘Point To Fly’ Funcon, press any Direcon Control Buon to exit this
funcon. The aircra will stop moving and automacally hold its posion (with a suitable
GPS signal/lock) and maintain a level atude then.
NOTICE: The TYPHOON Wizard™ only needs to be bound to an aircra for the first me. There
is no need to bind the Wizard™ to the same aircra when you use it again.
Step 2) Press and hold the Power Buon
ll the Aircra Mode LED glows solid
blue. Shake the TYPHOON Wizard™ up
and down ll hearing two beeps from the
aircra. Release the Power Buon.
Any camera control including photo taking or video recording should be operated on
Mobile Apps, which can be downloaded from Google Play Store or APP Store. The detailed
informaon can be referred to relevant User Manuals on the official website: www.
NOTICE: The control radius range of camera control is within 295  (90 m).
CAUTION: When using the Wizard™, if it keeps vibrang connuously, it indicates the
hardware in the Wizard™ malfuncon. Please send it to the official service center for
NOTICE: In this mode, the ‘Point To Fly’ Funcon can’t be acvated.
WARNING: The maximun flight speed of TYPHOON Q500 aircra is 3.14MPH (7m/s). If
the movement of the pilot is much faster than 3.14MPH (7m/s), the aircra may fly away.
IMPORTANT NOTE: ‘Fly away’ is NOT covered under warranty.
CAUTION: Don’t switch to Home Mode when you are near bodies of water.
2) Follow Me Funcon Under Smart Mode
The Follow Me funcon allows the aircra to
follow the pilot, adjusng its locaon to the
locaon of the TYPHOON Wizard™. All
buons are controllable in this mode. When
in Follow Me funcon, the aircra will follow
the movement of the TYPHOON Wizard™ if
there is no extra operaon on the TYPHOON
Follow Me funcon can be switched to by
the following steps:
When in Smart Mode, press the Magic
Buon quickly once, it is "follow me" model if
Aircra Mode LED is yellow and Wizard™ GPS
LED is green
· Failure to use this product in the intended manner as described in instrucon manual can
result in damage to the product, property and/or cause serious injury. This product is not a
toy! If misused it can cause serious body harm and damage to property.
· As the user of this product you are solely and wholly responsible for operang it in a manner
that does not endanger yourself and others or result in damage to the product or the
property of others.
· Do not aempt to operate your equipment in areas with potenal magnec and/or radio
interference including areas nearby broadcast towers, power transmission staons, high
voltage power lines, etc.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Part 15 of the FCC
rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protecon against harmful
interference in a residenal installaon. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instrucons, may
cause harmful interference to radio communicaons.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a parcular installaon. If
this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television recepon, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separaon between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operaon is subject to the following two condions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operaon.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protecon against harmful interference in a residenal installaon. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instrucons, may cause harmful interference to radio
communicaons. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
parcular installaon. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television recepon, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separaon between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
CAUTION: Any changes or modificaons not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operaon is subject to the following two condions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operaon of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitaon est autorisée aux deux condions suivantes : (1) l'appareil
ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'ulisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est suscepble d'en compromere le fonconne-
This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiaon exposure limit set forth for an
uncontrolled environment.
Cet équipement respecte les limites d'exposion aux rayonnements IC définies pour un
environnement non contrôlé
WARNING: Lithium Polymer (LiPo) baeries are significantly more volale than alkaline,
NiCd or NiMH baeries. All instrucons and warnings must be followed exactly to prevent
property damage and/or serious injury as the mishandling of LiPo baeries can result in fire.
By handling, charging or using the included LiPo baery you assume all risks associated with
LiPo baeries. If you do not agree with these condions please return the complete product
in new, unused condion to the place of purchase immediately.
You must always charge the LiPo baery in a safe, well-venlated area away from
flammable materials.
Never charge the LiPo baery unaended at any me. When charging the baery you
must always remain in constant observaon to monitor the charging process and react
immediately to any potenal problems that may occur.
Aer flying/discharging the LiPo baery you must allow it to cool to ambient/room
temperature before recharging.
To charge the LiPo baery you must use only the included charger or a suitably compable
LiPo baery charger. Failure to do so may result in a fire causing property damage and/or
serious injury.
• If at any me the LiPo baery begins to balloon or swell, disconnue charging or
discharging immediately. Quickly and safely disconnect the baery, then place it in a safe,
open area away from flammable materials to observe it for at least 15 minutes. Connuing
to charge or discharge a baery that has begun to balloon or swell can result in a fire. A
baery that has ballooned or swollen even a small amount must be removed from service
• Do not over-discharge the LiPo baery. Discharging the baery too low can cause
damage to the baery resulng in reduced power, flight duraon or failure of the baery
enrely. LiPo cells should not be discharged to below 3.0V each under load.
• Store the LiPo baery at room temperature and in a dry area for best results.
When charging, transporng or temporarily storing the LiPo baery the temperature
range should be from approximately 40–120° F (5–49°C). Do not store the baery or
aircra in a hot garage, car or direct sunlight. If stored in a hot garage or car the baery can
be damaged or even catch fire.
• Never leave baeries, chargers and power supplies unaended during use.
• Never aempt to charge low voltage, ballooned/swollen, damaged or wet baeries.
• Never allow children under 14 years of age to charge baeries.
• Never charge a baery if any of the wire leads have been damaged or shorted.
• Never aempt to disassemble the baery, charger or power supply.
• Never drop baeries, chargers or power supplies.
• Always inspect the baery, charger and power supply before charging.
• Always ensure correct polarity before connecng baeries, chargers and power supplies.
• Always disconnect the baery aer charging.
• Always terminate all processes if the baery, charger or power supply malfuncons.
Dimensions 5.47 X 1.46 X 0.98 in (139 X 37 X 25 mm)
Weight (with LiPo Baery) 2.52 oz ( 71.5 g )
Compable Aircfra TYPHOON Q500 / Q500+ / Q500 4K / Black / G
Compable Camera CGO2GB / CGO2+ / CGO3
Water Resistant Yes
Working Hours 3.5 h
Built-In LiPo Baery Voltage / Capacity 3.7V 500mAh
1. The Wizard™ CAN'T replace the Personal Ground Staon/Remote Controller because it has no Wifi.
2. The Wizard™ is water resistant but NOT waterproof, Do not submerge the Wizard™ in water
even if it is in the waterproof carrying pouch. This will cause the aircra to lose signal.
3. Do not use Home Mode when flying near bodies of water.
4. Be sure to turn off the Wizard™ when you do not use it.
5. Be sure to operate the Wizard™ in open areas that are free from people, vehicles and other
obstrucons. Never fly near or above crowds, airports or buildings.
You can charge the LiPo baery in the
TYPHOON Wizard™ by using supplied
USB cable and inserng it into the USB
port on your computer. Make sure the
TYPHOON Wizard™ is OFF and connect
cable into open USB port on your
computer. The Power LED will show solid
RED while baery is charging, when
charging is completed the red LED light
will turn off. It will take approximately 2
hours to charge a fully discharged baery.
A fully charged baery will give an
operang me of 3.5 hours per charge.
WARNING: Do not take out the LiPo baery installed in the TYPHOON Wizard™, otherwise
the TYPHOON Wizard™ may be damaged.
24568 Kaltenkirchen, Germany
+49 4191 932620
53 Ellemsea Circuit, Lonsdale
South Au stralia 5160
+61 (0) 8 8186 3301
5555 Ontario Mills Parkway,
Ontario, CA91764, USA
1 855 284 8888
2/F, Man Shung Industrial Building,
7 L ai Yip Stree t, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
852 3616 6071
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operaon is subject to the following two
condions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must
accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operaon.
Fly Forward
Fly Backward
Turn Le
Fly to the
Le Direcon
Fly to the
Right Direcon
Turn Right
13-26  (4-8m)
Smart Circle
Aircra Mode LED
Wizard™ GPS LED
Aircra Status LED
Wizard™ Power LED:
GPS Locked: LED solid green.
The Communicaon Mal-funcon Between the Wizard™ and the Aircra : LED solid red
GPS Loss of Aircra: LED off
Aircra in No-Fly Zone: LED blinking red, green and blue alternately
Baery fullLED solid green
Baery 50%LED blinking green twice every 2 seconds
Baery 25%LED blinking green once every 2 seconds
Low Voltage Warning of the Aircra:
LED blinking red quickly, the Wizard™ vibrang for 2 seconds once connuously
Powered On: LED solid green
During Charging: LED solid red
Charging Completed: Red LED off
Low Voltage Warning of the Wizard™:
Low Baery--- LED blinking green twice every 2 seconds
Low Voltage--- LED blinking green once every 2 seconds
Power Cut-off---LED blinking red quickly, the Wizard™ vibrang for 2 seconds once
Smart Mode: LED solid green
Watch Me Funcon: LED solid green
Follow Me Funcon: LED solid yellow
Angle Mode: LED solid purple
Home Mode: LED solid red
‘Point To Fly’ Funcon Acvated: LED solid blue
Any informaon above might be changed due to the soware update. For the latest
documents, please check the official website.
When the Aircra Status LED is solid yellow or blinking yellow frequently, it indicates
calibraon is needed. The operaon can be referred to the video of calibraon from our
official website:
If there is no proper calibraon, the Point to Fly funcon won't work even when pressing the
magic buon, the Wizard™ will vibrate twice as a warning signal(it only vibrates once in the
normal condion).
1. Aircra Mode LED
2. Wizard™ GPS LED
3. Aircra Status LED
4. Ascend / Forward Buon
5. Turn / Fly to the Le Side Buon
6. Turn / Fly to the Right Side Buon
7. Descend / Backward Buon
8. Magic Buon
9. Pitch Control Buon-down
10. Pitch Control Buon-up
11. Start / Stop Motors Buon
12. Wizard™ Power Buon
13. Wizard™ Power LED
14. Smart / Angle / Home Mode Switch
15. Clip
16. USB Port
Press and hold the Power Buon . When all LEDs blink once and the TYPHOON Wizard™
vibrates once, release the Power buon . The Power LED glows solid green, and the Aircra
Mode LED is on, then the TYPHOON Wizard™ is powered on successfully.
NOTICE: Gyroscopes Mal-funcon: If the TYPHOON Wizard™ keeps vibrang when
powering on and fails to power on, please return it to the service center for maintenance.
Wizard™ Poinng Direcon
1) Watch Me Funcon Under Smart Mode
Watch Me funcon enables the camera to
keep tracking the TYPHOON Wizard™ no
maer where and how it moves as the
camera can automacally lt its angle
according to the controller. It is "watch me"
model if both the LEDs for Aircra Mode
and Wizard™ GPS are green.
Usually, the default funcon under the
Smart Mode is Watch Me.
When the Flight Mode Selecon Switch is in the top posion, the aircra will be in the Smart
Mode. The Aircra Mode LED will glow solid green.
IMPORTANT NOTE: It’s safer and beer for the longevity of the baery to store it only
parally charged for any length of me. Storing the baery approximately 50%, charged
(which is around 3.85V per cell) is typically best, however, it will take some careful
management of the charge me and the use of a volt meter to achieve this voltage. If you
have the equipment and skills to achieve the 50% charge level for storage it is recommend-
ed. If not, simply be sure to not store the baery fully charged whenever possible. In fact, as
long as the baery will be stored at approximately room
temperature and for no more than a few weeks before the next use, it may be best to store
the baery in the discharged state aer the last flight (as long as the baery was not
over-discharged on the last flight).
Manuels Connexes pour Yuneec jouets Typhoon Wizard